#1 Expectations Vs Reality
You thought it was going to be a steamy affair, when in reality it left you both feeling.... awkward!

#2 'Saving' Themselves
They are also the first ones to HAVE to get married!

#3 The Physics Of IT!
Ironically the same thing happens when a baby needs to come out. How is it possible?!

#4 Seen First In Movies
But like meeting a celebrity actor, they sometimes don't match what they look like on film. Don't worry..

#5 Being The Last Virgin
This is why you don't want to be the "last" virgin. . . EVERYONE won't let you forget, even after you lose it!

#6 Guaranteed 'Virginity'
Want to remain a virgin? You can try this fool proof idea..

#7 Think It Through?
Actually 15 y/o is when the average person loses his or her virginity, AND it's because they don't think it through..

#8 Cars & Losing Virginity
We suppose, some old traditions never die.

#9 Analytical Virgin
This could the reason why he's still a virgin? Sorry, sex is like an art class and not maths. 1 + 1 doesn't always add up to "2".

#10 Feeling Awkward?
Discovering your sexuality for the first time will pose many surprising questions. . . No matter who you are..
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